collection of analog models

[ proto-part 1_elevation ]

[ proto-part 5_interior shot ]

[ animation ]

[ proto-part 1_perspective]

[ proto-part 3_perspective ]

[ proto-part 2_perspective ]

[ parcial facade  ]

[ proto-part 5_elevation ]

[ proto-part 4_elevation ]

[ proto-part 5_perspective ]

[ proto-part 3_elevation ]

[ proto-part 4_perspective ]

[ proto-part 2_elevation ]

[ proto-part 1_interior shot ]

​​​​sci arc

instructor : wes jones

summer 2015


[e]fficient [a]esthetic studies boundaries between the field of Architecture and Engineering.
 The current state of aesthetic embedded within framework of engineering is born strictly out of its functionality and efficiency. Each of the fields has its own set of rules distant from each other.
 The emergence of both generates a conflict, in which the beauty of convention is revealed.
 Project uses elements from three major active systems embedded within the building construction; structural, mechanical and electrical. Each element analyzes definition of its properties, characteristics, tectonic requirements, and figural ability.  Project is a representation of an attitude towards all active systems embedded within the building construction.
Strongly industrialized system elements conduct only as mass-produced products. The level of aesthetic articulation of current assembly of active systems is minimal. The conventional technique of the building assembly has not exhausted all the possibilities.

[ proto-part 3_interior shot ]